Pre-Primary (Age 3 to 6)
The Dreamtime Learning Approach:

Our Educators:

Our Curriculum:

Nursery classes, a cornerstone of early childhood education, provide a vibrant and nurturing space for young minds to blossom. Aimed at children aged three, these classes offer a carefully curated blend of playful activities, fostering cognitive, social, and emotional development. Through engaging in storytelling, art, games, and basic academic exploration, children not only lay the groundwork for future learning but also develop essential social skills and a love for discovery.
In Dreamtime Learning we have a Nursery batch from 9:00 am to 10:40 am (IST)
The Pre-Primary Program is designed for learners aged 3 to 6 and includes the following grades:
The Instructional Design encompasses the following child development domains in compliance with Cambridge EY Program:
Our Learners:
Parental Involvement:
Greeting Time (5 – 10 mins)
(Hello and Welcome)
Expressive Arts Time (10 -15 mins)
Exploration and Discovery Time (20 – 25 mins)
(A time to absorb and interact with ideas and concepts, connect with each other and engage in active learning.)
Theme + Video Watch/Activities/Discussion
Table Time (15 – 20 mins)
(Interacting with the concept to reinforce and practise learning through active learning activities.)
(Hands on activity)
Exploration and Discovery Time (15 – 20 mins)
Concept/Video Watch/Activities/Discussion
Creative Expression Time (15 mins)
(Activities and experiences that allow learners to explore their imaginations, experiment with different materials, and express themselves through various art forms.)
Art and Craft Dramatic Play Music and Movement
Closing Circle (5 mins)
(Reflecting on the day’s activities, sharing favourite moments and saying goodbye.)
Login and Greeting: 5 mins
Carpet Time: 20-25 mins
Creative Expression: 15-20 mins
Break: 10 mins
Practice Time: 20-25 mins
A time to practice skills in small groups by revisiting earlier concepts and activities.
Moving and Grooving: 15 mins
Children engage in activities that promote physical and social development.
Choice Time: 20-30 mins
Children choose activities based on their interests. The activities are designed to stimulate them to practice and achieve mastery in previously learnt skills.
Goodbye: 5 mins
Daily Rhythm
Login and Greeting: 5 mins
Carpet Time: 20-25 mins
Creative Expression: 15-20 mins
Practice Time: 20-25 mins
A time to practice skills in small groups by revisiting earlier concepts and activities.
Moving and Grooving: 15 mins
Children engage in activities that promote physical and social development.
Choice Time: 20-30 mins
Children choose activities based on their interests. The activities are designed to stimulate them to practice and achieve mastery in previously learnt skills.
Goodbye: 5 mins