Admission for Academic Year 23 -24 is Open! Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential at Dreamtime Learning School


Home » Pre-Primary

Pre-Primary (Age 3 to 6)

Are you ready to ignite the spark of curiosity in your little one?
Prepare your child for a future of limitless possibilities.
Welcome to Dreamtime Learning and strap in for an educational rollercoaster.

The Dreamtime Learning Approach:

We embrace a play-based learning approach, recognising that play is the foundation of a child’s development. Through carefully crafted activities that engage multiple senses, enhance neural connections and foster critical thinking, we encourage curiosity and creativity, laying the groundwork for a lifelong love of learning.

Our Educators:

Our team of dedicated and captivating educators is passionate and trained in the art of sparking curiosity and excitement and curating neuro-inspired activities.

Our Curriculum:

Our curriculum aligns with the highest learning outcome and standard of NCF, IB, IGCSE, CBSE, EYFS and ICSE, and best practices from Finland, Australia, India, New Zealand and England. It is rooted in neuroscience principles ensuring that every activity is purposefully designed to stimulate cognitive, emotional, and social development.
Our 3 pillars of Instructional Design – Absorb, Interact and Create nurture active learning and set the foundation for achieving mastery.
Our goal also includes instilling environmental awareness and responsibility in young minds as a part of our endeavour towards promoting eco literacy.


Nursery classes, a cornerstone of early childhood education, provide a vibrant and nurturing space for young minds to blossom. Aimed at children aged three, these classes offer a carefully curated blend of playful activities, fostering cognitive, social, and emotional development. Through engaging in storytelling, art, games, and basic academic exploration, children not only lay the groundwork for future learning but also develop essential social skills and a love for discovery.

In Dreamtime Learning we have a Nursery batch from 9:00 am to 10:40 am (IST)

The Pre-Primary Program is designed for learners aged 3 to 6 and includes the following grades:

FY1 : Foundation Year 1
FY2 : Foundation Year 2

The Instructional Design encompasses the following child development domains in compliance with Cambridge EY Program:

Inquire and Discover
Connect to the World
Explore Process and Problem Solve
Thing and Express Creatively
Understand Self and Others
Understand My Body

Our Learners:

At Dreamtime Learning, we recognise that Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. We focus on helping our learners progress not only academically but also develop healthy identities. Our pre-primary curriculum includes activities based on the Casel Framework that encourage learners to become self-aware, equip them with skills to regulate emotions, and make responsible choices while on their journey to self-mastery.

Parental Involvement:

We value the partnership between home and school. Regular communication, parent-teacher conferences, enrichment events and tips for fostering cognitive growth at home ensure that you are actively involved in your child’s educational journey

Greeting Time (5 – 10 mins)

(Hello and Welcome)

Expressive Arts Time (10 -15 mins)

(Activities and experiences that allow learners to express themselves creatively through music, movement and stories.)
Music and movement, singing songs, reciting nursery rhymes, listening to stories and expressing self.

Exploration and Discovery Time (20 – 25 mins)

(A time to absorb and interact with ideas and concepts, connect with each other and engage in active learning.)

Theme + Video Watch/Activities/Discussion

Table Time (15 – 20 mins)

(Interacting with the concept to reinforce and practise learning through active learning activities.)

(Hands on activity)

Exploration and Discovery Time (15 – 20 mins)

(A time to absorb and interact with mathematics and literacy concepts.)

Concept/Video Watch/Activities/Discussion

Creative Expression Time (15 mins)

(Activities and experiences that allow learners to explore their imaginations, experiment with different materials, and express themselves through various art forms.)

Art and Craft Dramatic Play Music and Movement

Closing Circle (5 mins)

(Reflecting on the day’s activities, sharing favourite moments and saying goodbye.)


Login and Greeting: 5 mins

As the children join in the session with the help of their escorts or parents, they greet with courtesy and settle for the learning venture of the day.

Carpet Time: 20-25 mins

A time to absorb and interact over ideas and concepts. The children connect with each other, discuss feelings, share ideas or thoughts and engage in active learning.

Creative Expression: 15-20 mins

The session encourages children to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings using various media. The children may write a story or draw or perform to express themselves.

Break: 10 mins

Practice Time: 20-25 mins

A time to practice skills in small groups by revisiting earlier concepts and activities.

Moving and Grooving: 15 mins

Children engage in activities that promote physical and social development.

Choice Time: 20-30 mins

Children choose activities based on their interests. The activities are designed to stimulate them to practice and achieve mastery in previously learnt skills.

Goodbye: 5 mins

Daily Rhythm

Login and Greeting: 5 mins

As the children join in the session with the help of their escorts or parents, they greet with courtesy and settle for the learning venture of the day.

Carpet Time: 20-25 mins

A time to absorb and interact over ideas and concepts. The children connect with each other, discuss feelings, share ideas or thoughts and engage in active learning.

Creative Expression: 15-20 mins

The session encourages children to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings using various media. The children may write a story or draw or perform to express themselves.

Practice Time: 20-25 mins

A time to practice skills in small groups by revisiting earlier concepts and activities.

Moving and Grooving: 15 mins

Children engage in activities that promote physical and social development.

Choice Time: 20-30 mins

Children choose activities based on their interests. The activities are designed to stimulate them to practice and achieve mastery in previously learnt skills.

Goodbye: 5 mins


Admission Enquire For The Session 2024-25

Admission Enquire ForThe Session

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